Sukin Naturals

During my tenure as the Amazon account manager for Sukin Naturals from September 2021 to January 2022, I led a transformative strategy that resulted in a substantial increase in monthly sales revenue from $20k to $140k. By focusing on optimizing product listings and enhancing overall visibility and conversion rates, we successfully positioned Sukin Naturals as a dominant player in the beauty and personal care category on Amazon.

Product Listing Optimization for Enhanced Searchability

A key component of our strategy involved optimizing product listings across Sukin Naturals’ portfolio, including Sukin Naturals, Andalou Naturals, and Mineral Fusion. By improving keyword relevance, optimizing titles, and enhancing product descriptions, we significantly enhanced the searchability and ranking of their listings. This strategic approach ensured that their products appeared prominently in search results, resulting in increased clicks and purchases.

Enhanced Product Imagery and Content

We implemented a comprehensive approach to enhance product imagery and content, including high-definition studio shots, infographics, lifestyle images, and packaging shots. These visually appealing assets not only showcased the products in the best possible light but also helped to establish trust and credibility with potential customers. By presenting a compelling visual narrative, we effectively communicated the unique selling propositions of Sukin Naturals’ products and increased customer engagement.

Optimization of Subcategories and Variations

Another crucial aspect of our strategy was the optimization of subcategories and product variations within Sukin Naturals’ listings. We identified opportunities to consolidate similar products under the same listing, streamlining the browsing and purchasing experience for customers. This optimization effort improved product discoverability and cross-selling opportunities, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased average order value.

Increasing Amazon's Purchase Orders through Enhanced Performance

Our overarching goal was to demonstrate to Amazon that Sukin Naturals was a significant player in the beauty and personal care market, deserving of larger purchase orders. By consistently improving key performance metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and sales velocity, we successfully positioned Sukin Naturals as a top-performing vendor on Amazon. This led to Amazon placing larger purchase orders totaling $800k for some of their most popular selling products, signaling their confidence in the brand’s growth potential.

In conclusion, our strategic initiatives and collaborative efforts with Sukin Naturals resulted in a remarkable increase in sales revenue and market share on Amazon. By focusing on product listing optimization, enhancing product imagery and content, and streamlining the browsing experience, we successfully accelerated Sukin Naturals’ growth trajectory and established a strong foundation for continued success in the competitive beauty and personal care category.


During my tenure as the Amazon account manager for Peelco, from January 2019 to January 2020, I spearheaded a comprehensive strategy that propelled their monthly sales from $20k to $160k. By focusing on optimizing their Amazon presence and addressing supply chain challenges, we achieved significant growth and positioned Peelco as a leader in the Wall-Mount Mailboxes category.

Captivating Amazon Storefront Creation

Recognizing the importance of a captivating storefront, we revamped Peelco’s Amazon Storefront from scratch. Previously, their brand name led to nowhere, resulting in missed opportunities. We rectified this by designing a visually appealing and user-friendly storefront that highlighted their main products. This overhaul significantly enhanced the brand’s visibility and customer engagement.

Enhanced Product Content and Imagery

We conducted a thorough overhaul of Peelco’s product content and imagery to ensure consistency and modernity. By rewriting optimized bullet points and A+ content and updating images to reflect a contemporary look, we effectively communicated the brand’s value proposition and enhanced the overall shopping experience for customers.

Addressing Supply Chain Challenges

One of the major hurdles we faced was supply chain issues, which hampered inventory management and fulfillment. Through diligent research and collaboration, we identified a reliable freight forwarder capable of providing efficient turnaround times and competitive pricing. This optimization in the supply chain allowed Peelco to maintain adequate inventory levels and improve profit margins.

Product Diversification and Expansion

We played a pivotal role in Peelco’s product diversification and expansion efforts by conducting extensive market research and analysis. By identifying market gaps and consumer preferences, we provided valuable insights that guided the development and introduction of new products, such as modern mailboxes. This expansion strategy not only fueled sales growth but also attracted interest from major retailers like Home Depot.

Overall, our strategic initiatives and collaborative efforts led to remarkable success for Peelco on Amazon, positioning them for continued growth and expansion in the competitive Tools & Home Improvement market.

Stacked Skincare

As the lead account manager for Stacked Skincare on Amazon from September 2021 to June 2023, I orchestrated a transformative strategy that propelled their monthly sales from $40k to $220k. Focusing on optimizing various aspects of their Amazon presence, we implemented a series of initiatives to enhance brand visibility, drive traffic, and boost conversions.

Amazon Storefront Optimization

Recognizing the importance of a compelling storefront, we undertook a comprehensive renovation to align with Amazon’s guidelines and enhance user experience. By redesigning the storefront layout and incorporating engaging visuals, we created a more enticing shopping environment that resonated with Stacked Skincare’s target audience.

Visual Content Creation

Following my “Golden Rule of Thumb” for visual content, we designed a variety of high-quality images and videos to showcase Stacked Skincare’s products effectively. This included studio shots, infographics, lifestyle images, packaging shots, and 15-second promotional videos, all aimed at captivating potential customers and driving sales.

Sponsored Ad Campaign Optimization

A key focus area for improvement was the optimization of Sponsored Ad campaigns on Amazon. Through meticulous bid adjustments and strategic targeting, we successfully reduced ACOS from 72% to an impressive 16% efficiency, all while increasing the monthly advertising budget. This significant improvement in ad performance translated into higher ROI and increased visibility for Stacked Skincare products on the platform.

Overall, our collaborative efforts resulted in substantial growth for Stacked Skincare on Amazon, solidifying their position in the competitive beauty and personal care category.

Natural Force

During my tenure as the main account manager for Natural Force on Amazon from September 2021 to December 2023, I spearheaded a comprehensive strategy that led to a substantial increase in monthly sales, soaring from $300k to $750k. This success was driven by a multifaceted approach aimed at optimizing various aspects of their Amazon presence.

Leveraging Amazon DSP

One of the pivotal strategies was the implementation and optimization of ad campaigns on Amazon DSP. With an impressive 8:1 ROAS, the DSP campaigns proved to be a game-changer for Natural Force, outperforming traditional Amazon PPC campaigns and significantly boosting sales.

Harnessing New Amazon Features

Capitalizing on Amazon’s latest offerings, we strategically implemented Brand Story and Premium A+ Content, enhancing Natural Force’s brand presence and product visibility on the platform. Additionally, the creation of engaging Video Ads through 15-second slideshow videos further amplified their marketing efforts and captured audience attention.

Streamlining Supply Chain and Inventory Management

Recognizing the importance of efficient supply chain management, I dedicated substantial efforts to streamline Natural Force’s FBA inventory management. By developing comprehensive SOPs and guidelines for shipment creation and communication with manufacturers, we ensured seamless operations and optimized inventory levels to meet growing demand.

Overall, this holistic approach to sales growth on Amazon resulted in a remarkable surge in revenue for Natural Force, establishing them as a prominent player in their market segment and paving the way for continued success on the platform.

K9 Power

During my tenure as the account manager for K9 Power on Amazon from September 2021 to December 2023, I spearheaded a transformative initiative that revitalized the brand’s presence and performance on the platform. Despite facing significant challenges, including a three-month period of being out of stock due to a product reformulation, we successfully propelled K9 Power from generating $40k to $90k in monthly sales revenue.

Product Reformulation and Reinvention

K9 Power made a strategic decision to reformulate their dog formula, aiming to enhance potency, nutritional value, and cleanliness. This bold move necessitated a complete overhaul of their product offerings, resulting in a temporary halt in sales on Amazon. However, the decision to prioritize product quality and efficacy laid the groundwork for long-term success and customer loyalty.

Content and Imagery Redesign

Recognizing the importance of effective communication, we wasted no time in creating new imagery and content that highlighted the benefits of the reformulated products. We revamped K9 Power’s Amazon storefront and product listings, ensuring that the messaging clearly conveyed the improved formula’s value proposition, despite the accompanying price increase. By emphasizing the enhanced serving sizes per dollar, we effectively communicated the cost-effectiveness of the new formula to customers.

Strategic PPC Campaign Development

With the relaunch of K9 Power’s products on Amazon, we developed a targeted PPC campaign tailored to showcase the benefits of the reformulated formula. Leveraging strategic keyword targeting and compelling ad creatives, we aimed to re-engage existing customers and attract new ones. The PPC campaign played a pivotal role in driving traffic, conversions, and ultimately, sales growth for K9 Power.

Cultivating Customer Trust and Loyalty

Throughout this transformative journey, we prioritized transparent communication and customer education to instill trust and confidence in the brand. By highlighting the meticulous process behind the reformulation and the tangible benefits for dogs, we fostered a deeper connection with pet owners and positioned K9 Power as a trusted authority in dog nutrition.

Implementation of Amazon's "Subscribe & Save" Program

To further enhance customer retention and drive recurring revenue, we implemented Amazon’s “Subscribe & Save” program for K9 Power’s products. By offering customers the option to subscribe for regular deliveries at a discounted price, we encouraged repeat purchases and fostered long-term loyalty among pet owners.

In conclusion, our collaborative efforts with K9 Power resulted in a remarkable revitalization of the brand’s presence and performance on Amazon. Despite facing challenges such as product reformulation and temporary stockouts, our strategic initiatives and unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction propelled K9 Power to new heights of success. With a strong foundation in place, I am confident that K9 Power will continue to thrive and establish itself as a household name in the dog supplements category.


The Social Architect

Since November 2023, Quanta Digital has been instrumental in revolutionizing client acquisition strategies for The Social Architect, a renowned consultancy led by founder and CEO, Maddie Munson. Specializing in social media audience analysis, tailored strategy development, and content management, The Social Architect sought a more cost-effective and scalable approach to client acquisition, leading them to leverage Quanta Digital’s expertise in cold email marketing.

Strategic Infrastructure Setup

Recognizing the importance of a robust technological foundation, Quanta Digital facilitated the setup of an advanced email infrastructure for The Social Architect. By acquiring 15 domains and configuring 30 email accounts, we provided The Social Architect with the sending power to reach up to 5,000 leads per month, laying the groundwork for impactful outreach campaigns.

Precision Targeting and Messaging

With a keen focus on the niche market of Sober Living Facilities, Drug Treatment Centers, and Recovery practices, Quanta Digital crafted highly targeted messaging tailored to resonate with The Social Architect’s audience. By delivering personalized and compelling messages, we ensured maximum engagement and relevance, driving meaningful interactions and inquiries.

Proactive Campaign Management

Quanta Digital assumed responsibility for the day-to-day management of The Social Architect’s cold email campaigns, meticulously handling inbox messaging and response tracking. Within the first 30 days of campaign execution, our efforts resulted in the booking of 25 sales calls, showcasing the effectiveness of our proactive approach in driving actionable leads and opportunities.

Iterative Optimization and Expansion

Building on the success of the initial campaign, Quanta Digital conducted thorough AB split testing to refine messaging and enhance campaign effectiveness. Armed with insights from Email Campaign #1, we embarked on a second campaign targeting 10,000 leads, leveraging tailored messaging adjustments to maximize impact and engagement. With a target of 30 new client acquisitions, our ongoing efforts aim to capitalize on previous learnings and drive sustainable growth for The Social Architect.

In summary, Quanta Digital’s strategic implementation of cold email marketing has transformed The Social Architect’s client acquisition landscape, delivering tangible results and driving significant business growth. With a solid foundation in place and ongoing optimization efforts underway, we remain committed to empowering The Social Architect to achieve their objectives and establish themselves as a leader in their industry.

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